Discover the Magic of Australian Boulder Opals

Discover the Magic of Australian Boulder Opals

Explore the mesmerizing world of Australian Boulder Opals. Learn about the unique types, their geological formation, and essential care tips to keep your opal jewelry stunning for years. Discover why these vibrant gemstones are a treasure in the world of jewelry.
David van Niekerk
Unveiling the Mystique: The Scientific Origin and Aboriginal Folklore of Australian Opals

Unveiling the Mystique: The Scientific Origin and Aboriginal Folklore of Australian Opals

Australia, a land of diverse landscapes and rich history, is renowned for its opals, a gemstone that captures the imagination with its vibrant play of colors. This gemstone, beyond its...
David van Niekerk
Australian Sapphire Rings and Sapphire Engagement Rings: Distinctly Beautiful and Ethically Sourced

Australian Sapphire Rings and Sapphire Engagement Rings: Distinctly Beautiful and Ethically Sourced

As a tangible symbol of love and commitment, engagement rings hold a special place in our hearts. In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift towards more unique and ethically sourced gems, paving the way for Australian sapphire engagement rings to shine. Offering a rich palette of colours, high quality, and the assurance of ethical sourcing, Australian sapphires are an excellent choice for those seeking an engagement ring that's truly one-of-a-kind
Australian Sapphires: An Untapped Gem in High-End Jewellery

Australian Sapphires: An Untapped Gem in High-End Jewellery

In the world of precious stones, the value and allure of diamonds are widely recognized, but the sparkling gem called the sapphire holds its unique appeal and significance. Among the varieties of sapphires globally, Australian Sapphires, in particular, present an exciting and distinctive offering. Their charm, quality, and rich history make them a worthy addition to any high-end jewellery collection.
How to take care of your South Sea Pearl jewelry?

How to take care of your South Sea Pearl jewelry?

Pearls are a delicate and beautiful gemstone that require special care to maintain their natural luster and beauty. When it comes to caring for pearls, it is important to avoid exposing them to chemicals, heat, and direct sunlight. Pearls should be stored separately from other jewelry in a soft pouch or box to avoid scratches and damage. To clean pearls, use a soft, damp cloth and avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can damage the surface of the pearl. Pearls that are frequently worn should be restrung by a professional jeweler every year or two to prevent the silk or nylon cord from stretching and breaking. By taking proper care of your pearls, you can ensure that they remain a cherished part of your jewelry collection for years to come.
David van Niekerk
How to take care of your Opal jewellery?

How to take care of your Opal jewellery?

Opals are a beautiful and unique gemstone, but they require special care to keep them looking their best. To care for opals in jewelry, it is important to store them in a soft, padded container to protect them from scratches and damage. Additionally, opals should be kept away from extreme temperatures and chemicals, as they can cause the gemstone to crack or become discolored. When cleaning opal jewelry, use a soft, damp cloth and avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive materials. It is also recommended to have opals professionally cleaned and polished as needed, and to remove opal jewelry before participating in physical activities or household chores. With proper care, opal jewelry can be enjoyed for years to come.
David van Niekerk
How to value Australian Natural Opals - factors to take into account

How to value Australian Natural Opals - factors to take into account

Valuing Australian opals is a complex process that involves considering several factors including the play of color, body tone, size, clarity, shape, origin, and rarity of the opal. The play of color, or the unique color display of the opal, is considered to be the most important factor, with more vibrant and intense colors commanding a higher value. Other factors such as the body tone, size, clarity, shape, origin, and rarity of the opal also impact its value, with opals that are larger, clearer, well-cut, and rare commanding a higher price. The origin of the opal is also important, with natural Australian opals being highly prized for their unique color and pattern.
David van Niekerk
Natural opals vs Synthetic lab opals - spot the difference - what to look for?

Natural opals vs Synthetic lab opals - spot the difference - what to look for?

Natural opals are prized for their rarity and beauty that makes it a high end jewellery gem, while synthetic opals are a more affordable alternative for costume or entry level jewellery. When purchasing an opal, it is important to know the difference between natural and synthetic opals.
David van Niekerk
Gold Earrings - Important Facts

Gold Earrings - Important Facts

One thing you can say about gold earrings is that they are timeless pieces that are always in style. They are not only beautiful, but also wear-friendly since, unlike sterling silver, they don’t tarnish. Another great attribute is that people with allergies to certain metals, or find they have a problem with staining from metals that have been combined with gold, don’t have a problem with gold itself.

Gold is a versatile metal, able to be worked in virtually any shape, whe...
David van Niekerk
Art Deco Jewelry

Art Deco Jewelry

If you are a true lover of the periodic jewelry, the style and miniature art of art deco jewelry will definitely take your heart away. Originated in Paris, art deco jewelry is a rare combination of aristocratic preferences with a modern touch that enhances the individuality of its wearers.
David van Niekerk
‘Are All Tahitian Pearls Black?’ and Other Pearl FAQ Answers

‘Are All Tahitian Pearls Black?’ and Other Pearl FAQ Answers

Interesting information and FAQs about Pearls
David van Niekerk
All About Jewelry

All About Jewelry

Who does not like looking good? Jewelry has always been a part of woman’s attire and to have a diamond and a bright piece of Jewelry has really caught up and looks dazzling on those pretty faces. Jewelry adds to the classiness and poise of women. Jewelry is not only a lady’s best friend but is also an ideal investment forum, making people over vigilant while putting their money into these unblemished pieces of metal.

David van Niekerk